My Letter To Fear

I started writing this post a few weeks ago, I was inspired by Anastasia’s post Lightbringer. Have a little read, you will understand the connection… I hope! I found her post thought provoking and I immediately started to think about taking risks and the fear of rejection. I love the ending in particular.

Dear Fear,

For as long as I can remember, you have always tried your hardest to be a part of my life. You were always the unwanted guest that insisted on staying beyond your non-existent welcome. I stupidly let you stay and you admittedly corrupted my thoughts. You would whisper in my ear right before I had plucked up enough courage to take action; implying that it was almost impossible for me to succeed and I believed you!

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In the past you made it seem like hearing the word ‘No’ was the worst thing in the world. Instead of encouraging me to go ahead and take risks; you somehow convinced me to take a back seat and watch… Watch possibly the best thing that could ever happen to me, happen to someone else or not happen at all! Unfortunately, I’m now left with a heap of what if’s.

I now realise that there is a 50/50 chance of hearing ‘No’ and a 50/50 chance of hearing ‘Yes’. No one likes being rejected; however rejection is a part of life! I hear the word ‘No’ all the time and it is inevitable that I will hear it again! The same goes for hearing the word ‘Yes’! I’ve learned that I will never know the outcome unless I go for it and who knows I may be pleasantly surprised.

I’ve always told myself that I would never allow anyone to have control over me, then right before my eyes you somehow managed to manipulate my thoughts. I often wonder how life would have been if I hadn’t met you or if I had stood up to you sooner. Your visits are less frequent nowadays, I don’t feel obliged to open the door to you anymore and I’m starting to think that you get the picture.

So Fear, how will you attempt to obstruct my thoughts today? You won’t! I won’t let you interfere anymore, you have caused enough damage! Please understand that you are no longer welcome here.

Yours sincerely,


Don’t forget to visit Anastasia’s blog, it is one of my favourites!


What Makes You Happy?

If I had to narrow it down to one thing, it would be my family!  No matter if it’s rain or shine my family are always there for me. We are a close knit family, It’s always nice to know I have my little support unit.

I look forward to our regular catch ups, which sometimes last longer than anticipated. We spend a lot of time sharing stories, reminiscing, laughing and exchanging advice.

I want them to have the very best in life because they truly do deserve it!



What makes you happy?

The Best-Case Scenario

When I initially read today’s prompt, I felt as if I was having a mental block. I couldn’t think of a worst case scenario; in fact I wouldn’t allow myself to do so. Deep down I could probably think of something, but I refuse to go there! So instead I shall tell you about my day!

I felt like a tourist in my own city! I had a meeting to attend, I made sure I had more than enough time to get there. It was going well, until I asked Google Maps for assistance. I paced up and down the street following the directions given to me. I shortly realised I was lost! I asked a passerby for directions; he asked if I had a map, then he took a quick glance at it and told me to turn right.


There was no right! Was he directing me to walk right into a wall? I would have preferred if he had said he had no idea where it was! If you don’t know…you don’t know, it’s that simple!

The next person I approached admitted that she had never heard of the street. She directed me to her colleague; I could see he was in the middle of something, but he still offered to help. He thoroughly explained the route to me and made sure I was 100% certain of where I was going.

I am ever so grateful! I could have ended up being a little late, instead I was a little early just as I had planned!


Best-case scenario

There’s Something Good In Everyday!

You may feel like the world is on your shoulders and you have nowhere to run. You may feel as though the world is against you and you’re unable to escape your current predicament. It happens to the best of us! I’ve been there and I have memorabilia to prove it! One thing I’ve learned is; moping around doesn’t get you anywhere!

If you feel as though things couldn’t get any worse for you; then prove it to yourself! Don’t dwell on it for too long, wipe your tears and try to make the best of your situation. Tell yourself the only way is up, it does work! Of course your problems will not miraculously disappear overnight (if only it was that easy!), it does takes time!

Some problems are more difficult to solve, this doesn’t necessarily mean there is no way out. If every day was easy, how would you expect to grow as a person? If you were not faced with these challenges, would you be the person you are today?

“Every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in everyday!”

It’s up to us to make a conscious effort to find the good in each day, no matter how big or small! I’ll put my hands up and say that I often overlook so many things in my life. I’ve realised that many of these things are the things that give me life! I strongly believe that there are endless possibilities of better days occurring, when you’re hopeful!


My Blogging Journey So Far

Today I am grateful for my blog! It took me forever to decide to start my blog, I’m so glad I did! I have only been on here for a short period of time, but I have read some really great blogs and I’ve connected with some interesting people.

I have been able to express myself freely, It is very different to my everyday life! The blogging world has been the reason why I have been running a little behind schedule some days, but it has been totally worth it! For some reason I think it’s the perfect time to read through blogs whilst I’m getting ready (don’t ask).

I wasn’t have the best of days. I logged into my WordPress today, I saw replies to my Liebster Nominations post and my mood changed. I truly enjoyed reading through all of the replies, I have gained great insight into the lives of the people behind the blogs I nominated. Today I met a guy with the last name Lieber, I gave him the ‘Don’t I know you’ look, then I thought “Oh I was nominated for a Liebster award”  Easy mistake haha.

For some reason I considered taking a break from blogging, why you ask? I couldn’t even tell you! As Honey said “Blog on” and I shall do so 🙂

P.S to anyone I have followed, unfollowed and then followed again, my apologies! Sometimes when I use other devices it says I am not following my followees.


Blogging 101: Day Two: Say Your Name

The tagline for my blog is temporary. I have had a few taglines for my blog; however they didn’t suit the theme. I may end up leaving that section blank for the time being.

The name “Being Chelle” was inspired by the show Being Mary-Jane, although I have never watched the show lol. The name I originally wanted was taken. I found an interesting WordPress article about choosing blog names, and it definitely put things into perspective for me.

I will be changing the name of my blog. I have skimmed through the dictionary and even played word games. I have come up with a few names; I just need to pick the right one!  I want the name to be directed at life as a whole rather than me as a person, if you get my drift.


Too Comfortable In The Comfort Zone!

I’m too comfortable in the comfort zone! Is this even possible? Spontaneity unfortunately isn’t my middle name. I’m so used to my daily routine; I seek change without actually seeking it. Choosing the vegetarian option over the chicken option is not living on edge!

I have experienced a few spontaneous endeavors’, which are usually suggested by friends and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself! You know when you leave all your worries behind and embrace the moment! Waking up the next day, reminiscing about the day or night before and flicking through the few pictures you have stored on your phone. These are the days I need more of!

I need to break out of my routine, go with the flow and look forward to what everyday has to offer me. I am almost 1/2 way to 50 and there is so much I still want to do. I’ve had a few setbacks which I am overcoming, but I think it’s time to work a little harder on exiting the comfort zone! Don’t you? As comfortable as it is, I need to get out of my seat!
